Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Singleton-Ah My Goddess

I wish our world was filled with goddess that grant you wishes.  I can only imagine the things I would wish for.  Ah My Goddess was a very interesting movie.  I tried to enjoy the film but it was difficult to stay focus while trying to prepare Thursday’s meal and watch the movie with really bad internet connection.  However, I really liked how women in this film were more of equal then of under men’s control.  I also give kudos to Keiichi for not feeling intimidated by Belldandy.  I mean I would feel a little awkward it I had a really powerful friend that was a girl.  Needless to say, I admire how he didn’t let that affect his relationship with Belldandy.  One thing that did interest me was why Keiichi didn’t choose a male counterpart for his motorized vehicle instead of the black haired lady.  Maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention, but that really impressed me.  After going through the book, I notice that it really didn’t help me to understand the movie any more than what I already did, which is still a little fuzzy.  The only thing that shot at me out of the book was when it said or asked is there really a difference between demons and gods.  I thought about this for a long time and came up with one conclusion; it depends on how you look at it.  I say this because when you think of a god, they are supposed to be strong, wise, and loving.  In contrast, a demon is looked as evil, sly, and tricky.  I remember when I watch Clash of the Titans, the gods in that movie could have been compared to demons because they tried to eliminate the human race.  Although, Zeus helped them against the Hades because one of the men happened to be his son.  In comparison, I think Ah My Goddess is the same way.  Gods and demons are naturally the same, they both have supernatural powers.  Yet it matters who that particular god or demon is and how do other people look at them.  For example I can see Belldandy as a god because of her beautiful traits as a person, but others can call her a demon because she has powers and she is not human.

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